
The purpose of this study is to see how the role of school -based management in improving the quality of education and the factors that influence it. The research methodology used is inference statistical analysis approach, the model calculations using Quantitative Descriptive Percentace, figures by analyzing the results obtained by using teknic file collection questionnaires and observation . The results showed that the presence of school -based management has a very good role in improving the quality of education .

Keywords : School based management , quality and education.


According to Howard M. Management Carlisle stated : Management is the process by which the element of a group are integrated, coordinated, and efficiently achieve objective (Suyanto , 2008 ) .

Thus the School Based Management (SBM) is the process of integrating, coordinating and utilizing thoroughly involving elements that exist in the school to achieve the goal of quality education  are expected to be efficient . Or it can mean that the School Based Management (SBM) is a management model that provides authority to larger schools and encouraging participatory decision making that involves all school community based on mutual agreement . With the authority xpected larger schools have independent authority to manage school and choose a strategy to improve the quality of education as well as be able to choose a more suitable development program with the potential needs of the area where the graduates will be projected .

Improving the quality of education is stressed the important role of schools as the primary basis of autonomous actors, and the role of parents and communities in developing education. Schools need to be given the trust to govern and manage itself according to the environment conditions and customer needs . Schools as autonomous institutions are given the opportunity to manage the coordination process to achieve educational goals.  The concept of thinking has encouraged the emergence of a new approach , namely the management of school -based quality improvement . Approach for this is based on improving the quality of schools  (school based quality management/school based quality improvement) (Subagio Admodiwiro, 2000:5-6).

The concept of improving the quality of school-based education emerged within the framework of school -based management approach. In essence MBS will bring progress in the two areas are interdependent, namely : "First, the advancement of education programs and services to students-parents, students and the community. Second, the quality of the work environment for all members of the organization" (Suryosubroto B , 2004:204-205).

This research is to see how the role of school -based management in improving the quality of education in Junior High School (SMP) Negeri 1 Tempuling Indragiri Hilir Riau -Indonesia and the factors that influence it .


In the independence era and the era of school School-Based Management (SBM), the duties and responsibilities of the first and foremost of the leaders of the school is to create schools that they lead to more effective , in the sense of being more beneficial to the school itself and for its masyarakatluas. School -Based Management (SBM) is derived from three words , namely , management , based , and school. Management is the process of using resources effectively to achieve targets. Based has said that basic means or principle. School is an institution for learning and teaching as well as a place to receive and give lessons .

Management is essentially an effort to set everything (resources) to achieve a goal, so management is "the process of integrating the sources that are not related to the totality of the system to accomplish the goal". (

Malay S.P. Hasibuan said management is "the science and art of the utilization process seumber organize human and other resources effectively and efficiently to achieve a certain goal" (Malayu S.P Hasibuan, 1991:2).

Improving the quality of education is stressed the important role of schools as the primary basis of autonomous actors and the role of parents and communities in developing education . Schools need to be given the trust to manage and take care of himself according to the conditions and needs of the customer and the environment. Schools as autonomous institutions are given the opportunity to manage the coordination process to achieve educational goals. The concept of thinking has encouraged the emergence of a new approach , namely the management of school -based quality improvement.  Approach for this is based on improving the quality of schools (school-based quality management/quality improvement based school) (Soebagio Admodiwirio, 2000:5-6).

The concept of improving the quality of school-based education emerged within the framework of school-based management approach. In essence MBS will bring progress in the two areas are interdependent, that is first, the advancement of education programs and services to students-parents , students and the community. Second, the quality of the work environment for all members of the organization (Nurkholis, 2003:81)

Wohlstetter in Watson (1999) provide a comprehensive guide to the key elements of the reform MBS consisting of : (1) clearly define the vision and results yangdiharapkan , (2) creating a focus on national goals that require improvement , (3) the policy guidance from central which contains standards for schools , (4) the level of strong leadership and political support as well as support from the top leadership , (5) pembagunan institutional (capacity building) through training and support to principals , teachers , and school board members , and (6) the fairness in funding or financing education (Nurkholis , 2003:82) .

School management is the management and performance of functions of school management. Implementation of school management functions should be integrated and continuous running. The functions include planning, implementation , supervision and coaching . This element must be implemented properly to get a good quality education in accordance with the vision and mission that has been set by the school.


This study uses a model-based approach to quantitative analysis of inferential statistics, which are used to see how to increase motivation to learn by using the library and factors that influence it . Statistical models used is the Percentace of Quantitative Descriptive analyzes. The number of respondents who used as the primary data source of this study as many as 50 people with the principal classification Headmaster 1, Teacher 26 people , officials  6,   School Committee 1  and  students 12 were taken by random sampling system.


In this study all respondents do analisys each with operational variables measured from the implementation of the provisions of : (1) said to be good if 81 % -100 % indicator implemented , (2) be quite good if 61 % -80 % indicator executed, (3) said to be less good if 41 % -60 % done indicators , (4) is said to be good if 21 % -40 % done indicators , and (5) is said to be not good when the 0 % -20 % indicator implemented .

Role of Principals and Teachers in School-Based Management in Improving the Quality of Education in Junior High School (SMP) Negeri 1 Tempuling Indragiri Hilir , measured from the implementation of the operational variables with the results of  88.07 % , so it can be concluded that it is in the category of "good".

Role -Based Administration in the School of Management in Improving the Quality of Education in Junior High School (SMP) Negeri 1 Tempuling Indragiri Hilir , measured from the implementation of the operational variables with 98.88 % results , It can be concluded that in the category of "good".

Role of the School Committee in the School-Based Management in Improving the Quality of Education in Junior High School (SMP) Negeri 1 Tempuling Indragiri Hilir , measured from the implementation of the operational variables with 86.66 % result So it can be concluded that in the category of  "good".

The Role of Students in School Based Management in Improving the Quality of Education in Junior High School (SMP) Negeri 1 Tempuling Indragiri Hilir, measured from the implementation of the operational variables with 86.66 % results, It can be concluded that in the category of "good".


The head master successfully mobilized school resources and becomes a characterized leader and has character and responsible leadership soul. The role of teachers in the School-Based Management as facilitators, motivators, mediators and others performing well. The role of administrative as executor in the School-Based Management is also performing well. Role of the School Committee is also performing well with the school, although sometimes due to something else so that the committee cannot control the school at any time, but the committee will be able to control even through communication. Students as well as implementing school-based management have also implemented a high role well.


Suyanto,  Perumusan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah, Diakses 29 Desember 2008.

Soebagio Admodiwirio, 2000. Manajemen Pendidikan Indonesia. Jakarta: Ardadizyajaya.

Suryosubroto, B, 2004. Manajemen Pendidikan di Sekolah. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

Hasibuan, Malayu S.P., 1991. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Nurkholis, 2003. Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah, Teori, Model dan Aplikasi. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.